Tuesday, June 30, 2009
i felt as though i am being forgotten.
i tried to reason for the entire day, from a long bus ride, a long phone call, a long mrt ride, a long talk, and i'm turning around in circles.
i didn't expect it. but it did. already i'm stressed enough, i'm angry enough with other things in life.
seriously i'm doubting the level of luck in my life now. because it seem to be at all time low, low to the fact i think it's underground.
a pair of wasted new shoes that has never been worn
a few sms wasted on asking fruitless questions
a few pieces of paper being debated about
and people whose toes i've never stepped on.
i realise i can't take it anymore. i really feel the impending explosion already.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
with a little training, i think i make a good fortune teller.
and i'm in pain, inside out.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Friday, June 26, 2009
hatred is a bad feeling, like duh, but i can't help but feel a tremedous amount of it towards many people and issues in life.
like my cousin's fate. a well-natured, life-saving doctor who travelled half the world, has only about 1 year more to live thanks to the all-hated cancer.
like my dad. hardworking dude who worked his life off to give me and my mum and his mom and brothers a better life and is falling apart thanks to some ****ing XXX.
like my earphones. loyal gadget that stuck with me through thick and thin and suddenly he lost his ears.
me? i don't even know where to begin. and if i start, i'll never stop.
because right now i feel like a complete bitch hell-bent on blaming all the people responsible for every speck of unhappiness that landed on top of my head.
i'm being angsty, even after pms. that goes to show how much i hatred i have right now.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Thursday, June 25, 2009

i have just 'destroyed' my working place with people i love to death. the already messy wall behind my computer screen (the one that is shining thinking its a sun), is further messed up two days ago with more pictures of happy faces, great friends having fun, and comrades together. and further up is the cupboard, tessellated with thumbnails of people i love and wacky fortune cats and weird people with funny faces haha. (took me a while to cut and paste, while listening to ghost stories)
another polar bear, it's a puppet by the way. named frost. whahaha!!! i was disturbing drivers on the road with it, as i conveniently hid behind the window sils while waving to drivers at the red light. (one guy actually fell for it and ask him mom to look). hahaha!!!
glacier is as usual, looking at the ceiling for what reason i don't know. and yes. the table and workspace shows just how 'free' and 'bored' i am.
oh ya, today i found out that i'm a 'scream-er'. i always thought i was a 'shout-er' but i guess, circumstances change and people's true face might just surface. just like how some people with no back-bones, retarded people, irritating housefly version 2, and suckers: unmasked.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
"a sucker is born every minute"
i didn't believe bob+armstrong when he said it, studied it, and answered it on a quiz.
but today i do. because i jsut saw, with prove, that yes, a sucker is born, let me rephrase.
another sucker is born.
and my reaction to that was 'why am i not surprised'
and i just broke into fits of laughter.
perhaps that's what they mean by 'birds of a feather flock together'
and 'like attracts like'
superbly glad that i got out of that 'like-ness' already, else i might very well be the 3rd sucker.
i'm being mean i know, but i have every reason to be.
sue me
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Thursday, June 18, 2009
i'm very sore at something which i'm going to be real huge bitch and blame everyone else for it but myself because i can't see the reason why i'm at fault. .~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
to the friend of a friendship that began with our fathers, jyjy!! there's nothing else to do except pursuing your own goals, because nothing is more important to you than yourself. i'm sure you know what you want and where you want to go, so just focus and believe in yourself, because life will unfold itself in its many different ways.
to the Dr. Jackyl/Mr. Hyde whom i can't even remember how this person's voice sound like, like seriously quit being such a coward and hiding behind the scenes trying to act big and talk big and whatever crap because you simply can't pull off a proper lie so don't try, you'll only embarrass yourself.
to the irritating person whom i can't wait to engage in a verbal war, like seriously grow some backbone and stop running to retarded people who can't scheme and plot properly, and continue being the selfish fish-monger so you can lose all the people around you.
to the annoying person who continue to live in the small bubble the diameter of 1mm, stop your annoying crap because it just irks the hell out of people and just go be with your long lost twin separated from birth.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Thursday, June 11, 2009
i think from now on i'll cut down logging into facebook and navigating through it. in fact, i don't think i'll want to navigate anymore.
now that i see that even being part of the community doesn't exactly mean you'll be in the mainstream community.
and i seriously have endured enough. it's not really pms or whatever crap, i think that's it.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Sunday, June 7, 2009
oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!! i finally got it!!!!!! Journey to the Center of the Earth's OST!!!! OMG!!!!!!! 1 and a half hours wait isn't wasted!!!!!! OMGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! *melts*
to think that i thought it was gone!!!!!!!! whooo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
i know i'm abit slow, but catching up with fb's application games has been fun. apparently i have no idea how these people get these top scores, or perhaps they are just good.
i don't care!!!! I GOT THE OST!!!!!!
PS Edit to the previous post, when i was saying about the father-in-name thing, i meant both ways, that some kids are too stuck up, and some dads are too stuck up in something less important than real life.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
just when you thought you know something, it isn't the truth. symptoms about my dad and how my mum feels would be otherwise oblivious to me the night time owl. apparently things aren't as bleak as it seems, but the tightening of chest, deep breathing that i experienced while explaining every single question on the 26 pages survey to my mum shows how much i hated to be in the situation, let alone the entire scene. but i guess the resilience i see, i know i have to match up to it. which makes me pity others, who have a father in name, but can't seem to care about them because they have their brains stuck up somewhere less important than real life.
as much as i hate people who don't tell the truth, i find it amusing when people stumble on their own lies and turn around to throw temper as though it's others' fault. and to think that these people made it through the span of their lives simply throws me into a much bigger question about life. and i pity the people associated with these people because of the broken down structure of society's foundation, let alone their own stucture. haha, i still can't stop laughing. not to mention the big words people throw to flaunt their non-existent power, it's simply hilarious. much more hilarious than the clown who lost his red nose. if you can't lie, don't try. if you can't settle a problem, don't act as if you do. if you lost, be at least HALF a man and face it.
and to the issue which has bugged me for a while, i shall not pen down any names or facts that accociate with it, before i get shot in the head, but i just find that, despite how they try, being this way is just plain telling others that there is a prominent problem. and if that's not grave-digging, nothing else is. i'm not trying to get involved, but i'm saying that to think that such people are within reach, i just wonder if it's really the right place to be in the first place. and seeing how things turn out, being left out or alone once again, i can't do anything about it.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Thursday, June 4, 2009
school has been, funny? and boring. ohh yaa now that i remembered, i forgot to blog about our dearest, best teacher so far, Coms 249 teacher!!!!! shall not put the name down, incase google points to my page ahaha but this guy is Freakinnnn~ funny!!!!!!!!!
-swallowed a fly to abide by 'no spitting' law in singapore
-saw a bullshark at boat quay
-terrorized a lizard whom he mistakenly took as a 'gecko' that it dropped its tail
my gawd. his class, simply rock more than all the teachers we had put together. GO GO!!! Professor L.R
seriously his name reminds me of a character in anime. since they both shared the same name, haha.
i guess i'm weird, all the while being on the offensive side of some things, and turning myself against anyone or anything that comes in close contact to some things. and of course, gloating about certain things when i know i'll accumulate karma haha. but i guess that's the whole fun of it. i mean, now with everything sort of settled back into my life. like how it used to be. myself. there are some people out there, whom i've decided to take a very offensive and defensive measure to curb these people from infiltrating. my thoughts are messed up at this current point, so let's give it a rest, else we would be ranting at it all night and still don't get it.
i need more happy pictures on my walls. not just my protective brothers, watchful guardians, but also more happy moments. does ouran have any fan sites that post screenshots?
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.: