Wednesday, May 30, 2007
finally. i went to watch pirates of the caribbean at world's end.and things certainly did not go according to plan.... for today...
let's back up a bit and start from a few days ago for this tale begins shall we?
first it was, ah yes, i did blog about this. my application to NTU failed. and the next day, i went for a depression hair cut, which unfortunately caused my decade-old habit of tying my hair to go out the window. and to make matters worse, NUS sent their dooms day letter on saturday, just as i was about to go to a book fair at EXPO, which in the end i skipped out of it.
ok, so it's two stars fallen... one star left. and i decided to light another distant star to brighten up a little. which throws me into a day of fatigue, because the journey to SIM, then down to stansfield isn't something enjoyable.
alas, the next day, while having a brunch with yuning and wan qian, some ruddy guy from SIM called me and said something along the lines of 'theoretically you are accepted' and 'confirmed joining us', and says i have to present my certificate of the A'lvls. at first i was really happy, like the monster in me jumping up and down going 'we did it'. but then when i finally gotten straight of the situation, it turns out i wasn't accepted yet afterall...
then so the next day, which is today, i went for pirates. and apparently, i must say, things are starting to not go according to plan. first i woke up to a clash of thunder, no lightning, no dark clouds. i was talking to the window, luckily my maid wasn't anywhere near. i told my window, the sky is playing a trick on me... and sure enough, i was on the phone for a while before my maid started dashing across the rooms closing the windows with an annoying creak that doesn't sound like creak, kwrak that doesn't sound like kwark sound.
so i got through, and came to Vivo, turns out the show is still hot, and we ended up watching it in a tinsy weensy theater, and 'lucky' me, i was sitting next to a bunch of idiotic guys. great. so at the start of the film, i told myself i get this feeling i won't get to enjoy the show much.
ok, now for the show. first i'm all excited to see it, hoping it to be great. and the reviews could be right, and judging from my pal wan qian's bored expression i can understand. certain parts of the show WAS boring. and some things aren't reall what i expected, though i SHOULD have thought of it.
anyway, first thing first, will turner and Elizabeth swann. (heck with the spelling). they ain't talking to each other... what's that all about?
then, jack going nutso, that i can understand. since he's pretty much insane anyway...
after that is this treachery thingy, it's like a netball game. the ball of treachery is thrown here and there, so i had a hard time keeping track of who's the coniving snake and who's the double-crosser. nevermind about that. my routine should get rid of the doubt anyway.
next thing, is captain sao feng coming and going... cool. you stroll in, ok you were there when we got there... then after like what's 1 hr of the show you're dead... cool...
then, we have, uh... ah, the brethren court. cool court if you ask me. we have a nutso, that's jack. then a 'captain hook', whats his name. then this white face lady, honestly a woman of her age and is a pirate lord... i wanna be like her!!! then there's a few of them, which i fail to catch their names. AH and jack's dad. cool, makes the phrase 'like father, like son' absolutely true.
anyway, i did thought of Tia Dalma was the woman Davy jones loved. since ted elliot and terry rossio don't introduce new characters unless they are for those 7 minutes of fame and they loved recycling characters. but apparently she's more than that... she's the heathen goddess... cool. (how many times have i typed the word 'cool' so far?)
and i never expect will turner to take the place of davy jones!!! never!! i always thought it would be jack sparrow, or barbossa, since they are the ones who are in the job for so long. but then, should have guessed, since there exist a certain percentage of living population regardless of the state or species they are in, who work on the theory of 'if i don't get what i want, i shall make sure nobody does'. so i guess davy jones is part of that crew.
oh yea, and the scene of the wedding in midst of chaos was really hilarious. and barbossa, haha, captain of the ship was conducting the wedding. whahahaha. kudos to you ted and terry! the final wedding was great! haha. which brings me to the next point, my favourite character is barbossa now. hehehe. not that i don't like you anymore jack, but well, barbossa is sort of growing on me hehehehe. and let's just say that things are back where they are. barbossa, mutineer again, jack, marooned again, but this time, with food and shade, and rum. but he got smarter, stole the charts from barbossa. hahaha!!!! and will turner, unexpected. but nevermind. best of all, the pirates are back in business, and barbossa, hehe, my fav character. my condolences to Governor Weatherby Swann and Admiral James Norrington. may the new ruler of the sea lead you to the other world and be at peace. (one minute of silence)
and i remembered to stay behind and wait for the credits to roll, cos i know there's something behind. hehe. and yes. a clip from 10 years later. kid, you've got a dad who's in charge of the sea! aint' that great, though you only get to see him once every ten years... so assuming you live up to the age of 80, you get to see your dad only 8 times... or less, if someone takes over your dad
and the soundtrack. well not bad, consider it coming from hans zimmer. and may i say that there's some element of lion king songs in there... and there's an gist of another movie or show's soundtrack in there, with the violins. i just can't remember which... and if i'm not wrong, it should be Van Helsing... yup, now that i have the sound track it about the soundtrack, back to the tale shall we? so there i was, listening to the soundtrack, hoping to take note of the significant scenes with the musics. but then of course, with maelstrom, epic struggles, wedding, chaos, it is inevitable i forget about the task but allow myself to indulge in a little entertainment.
and then i decided to hunt for it, first was the MJ in Vivo. nope. then Sembawang in Plaza Singapura, nope, and at that moment i was ready to tear the shop down. because this is the second time, i went there, for a PIRATES soundtrack, and its the same guy who told me the same thing 'we're sold out'. and i hate the taste of disappointment. what is it with that branch? you ordered two copies of it only?! and here comes two soundtrack freak like myself and the two copies gone, so 'we're sold out'?
then MJ at PS, nope again.
last try. to the place where i saw it first. Sembawang at CP. good, it is there. bought it, didn't buy 'music and lyrics', too bad...
is this the end of it all? nope. turns out the chocolate i chose from Candy Empire didn't taste nice...
what a day of 'not according to plan'.
apparently those up there isn't happy with me. so now they are giving me a hard time. one day i'll get you guys back... just you wait.
Shrek 3, Ratatoullie, Surf's Up, Harry Potter can be watched in the cinemas... my the force be with me. just kidding...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Thursday, May 24, 2007
i get a feeling i'm going crazy.
i woke up today at 12.00 pm, and the first thought was to on the com and watch that 9 minutes 'Ratatoullie' trailer...
then when i saw what my maid prepared for lunch, i got this urge to go watch the trailer for 'surf's up'...
then when finally sitting down with the horrible greenbean rice mixture in front of my com, i remembered one clip from 'shrek the 3rd' about the cast and this particular funny scene where Puss in Boots was describing fishing...
then when the horrible greenbean rice was finally in my stomach being disected into microscopic components, i remembered what day is today...
and here i am, at almost the end of the day, concluding a day spent, alone.
you know, Timon, i think you're right. 'when the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world'. and the break into the 'hakuna matata' thingy again. yeah right... then Raffiki would come and whack my head with his stick... great...
honestly i really feel like crying now. you know, just brawl like nobody's business until someone from a mile away thinks there's a ghost infestation here.
perhaps instead of waiting for lightning to strike, i should just go ahead and jump off my building. afterall, i seldom hear thunder these days and his brother lightning is nowhere to be found.
mummie ask me to get a haircut... maybe i should... then again...
this is twice in a row i blog two times a day...
yup, i'm going crazy soon. and the cure or medicine is so near yet so far.
unlikely combination, ishda and renji, red and white, but when you put them together, add a few stars and a crecent moon, you get Singapore Flag. (muses) might work.
wonder why Renji always sits like that... i've lost count of the number of times he sat like that in artbooks and features. head tilted to face the moon, sitting like an inverterbrate, and surveying people with the corner of his eyes...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
i was caught vacuming the stuff toys just now and sent my mum receiving a stun spell....
so if you don't hear from me any time soon, i'm probably murdered by my stuff toys...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
who am i kidding...
nobody cares what happen to me anyway.
so i'll just wallow in self-pity here. thank you very much.
go ahead, throw some of your nasty comments at me.
you won't be saying those if you're in my shoes.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
this is the 40th post on this blog. great number.
it seems like a long time ago i had a day of peace. so long that i have long forgotten how it feels like to be in that day. and it looks like i have been accumulating bad days.
just today, i receive some bad news. what bad news is that? NTU has rejected my application. great don't you think? now one star has fallen. and already the world seems a less bright.
i don't know what to do now. seriously. it just occur to me that maybe this is the end of the road or something, end of show, end of time.
someone tell me what to do... or at least let me find comfort somewhere...
and tomorrow is the day where the end is here. literately. for pirates anyway...
nothing went right. nothing is going the right way also. i'm tired of having horrible days. can't i have something for a change? like a brighter and better day? or even a better life? fine. one might argue that a better life is the outcome of hardwork. if that's the case i give up.
i'm left alone here.
hey fate, life, hope and er... who else... luck! so you guys satisfied?
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Monday, May 14, 2007
apparently blogger is unhappy with me because until now the problem with the stupid posting page has not been fixed...
few things happened since my last post and i shall address them one by one, and unfortunately i doubt anyone's going to notice i actually posted something....
first, the maid's back, with some problems for me.
problem no.1, my mum has entrusted the entire kitchen to me. which plainly means that i would have to cook dinner everyday... bloody hell.
problem no. 2 is that she, the maid, has taken a piece of flesh out of her finger that day trying to act hero, and yes, i'm not saying that because i hate her or what but that's the truth and now i'm stuck with potatoes and cabbages and all things that i have hated in my entire life. vegies...
problem no. 3 and the most important problem of all is that the above mentioned problems 1 and 2 require the handling of knifes. and the most unfortunate and entirely unforseeable circumstances that i happen to be AFRAID of knifes. (don't ask me why because i don't know, everyone has their fears, so don't laugh at me being afraid of knifes when you are afraid of the dark or spiders) so i'm thrown into a the worse situation where i'm doing most of the work under survillance and brandishing a murderous weapon.
that's mainly the problem at home, outside my room.
next thing is that the other day i went to watch spidy 3. ok fine. Spiderman 3. (happy?) well i thought it was strange at first because when the news of spidy 3 (shut up) came out i told myself i'm not going to watch it. and like so many times in my life, i swallowed my own words. bloody hell second time.
to be honest, the 3rd take was good. compared to the 2nd take which downright sucked... the first was ok, since it's all the begining of everything. 3rd was good. why? because of the split personality thing (hehehe) throws in some of the hilarity where the nerd transform into a nutter. and also, hehehehehe (evil laugh) (trumpet fanfair) Harry Osborn!
"Still rooting for you, mate!"
ya that was what i told wan qian in the midst of shuddering from the cold from Vivo city's Golden Village iMax theater. yup that's my fav character from spidy... i mean, look at it this way. you put Peter Parker and Harry Osborn side by side... ok that's a bad example... equal people's going to choose either one since they have their strengths... er... ok, i've got it. put Spider-man (there's a hyphen in it... dunno that until now) and New Goblin side by side, nearing the end of the movie. NEARING THE END OF THE MOVIE I SAY!!!! yup. who came to spidie's rescue? who sent him gliding through the air? who sacrificed himself to save a friend????
"Am i disturbing something?" he shouted to the reuniting couple before they start snogging in times of peril.
so you see? that's precisly why i say he's da best! and you want another reason? put tobey maguire and james franco side by side, need me to say more??? (laughing hysterically)
well nothing much to say about Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End, since it's coming out soon and those who know me would know i'm now in a frenzy (not obsessed) with it. and so is shrek, since i've pretty much know the storyline and some of the funny parts. 'i've been abra kadabra-ed into a ....' said donkey in puss's body. neither is Harry Potter, both movie 5 and book 7. just that movie 5 is going to be horrible since Harry or should i say Daniel Radcliffe is going to start shrieking his lungs out and his voice breaks literately. and that he's going to be snogging someone eewwwww to that. and that in book 7 he's going to die. great. can't wait to see Daniel Radcliffe do that death scene. i'll bring party poppers and banners that read 'potter died'. and be the only one in the world to celebrate. have this odd and vague feeling that i'm going to eat those words in future... nevermind. that's in the future.
well maybe my most concern is with the accessories making i'm into now. i'll admit that i'm not that good, since it's not my strength at the arts and craft and er... creativity. but then again i don't know what i'm good at. it has always been in my motive in life to be an all-rounder. but now i feel rather empty, since all the skills i have are just half ways or starters, nothing touching the level labelled 'expert' or even remotely 'good'.
some things that i've made, i don't even dare take pictures of them to put in the com. often ending up cutting the lines and wasting elastic fishing-lines and putting the beads back to my box. and the days just pass me by with no new presentable things.
while reading the harrypotter series, first book the other day, there was this mention of the mirror of erised. i wonder if i were to stand in front of it, what would i see? at first the silliest thought that i would see myself only which means i'm a happy person entered my mind, but then i thought harder, i thought maybe if i stood there, i'll see Raiin. after all, she was created by me, portrayed after several alterations of me, and lived the life which i can't. things that i can't have in my life, things that i can't do in my life, and the life i can't live in my life, Raiin does it for me. her life, certainly is the extreme ends of mine, more dangerous, more fun, more better, yet more tougher than mine. so i guess i live in two worlds, the real and the virtual. but i guess i'm putting too much effort in Raiin, because sometimes i would just forget for a moment that i'm the pathetic and useless suen hui actually. virtual world might not be a benefiting place to be in, but it certainly is somewhere where i can take a break. i have tried to become Raiin, but there are things in life that can never change and things that are done that cannot be undone...
jack's compass? the one that points to the thing you want most in this world? i haven't given much thought about it, since it cannot be pointing towards Raiin as she doesn't exist. it'll probably point to myself. which throws into contradiction with the mirror as the thing i want gone is myself and yet the compass points to me. making no sense? i thought so.
that's just life in the dumps. i just hope that i get to see pirates, shrek and harry potter when the time comes, and not to miss them like every other time. because if i were to miss any of them, i'll truly never forgive life.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.: