Friday, April 27, 2007
somehow i believe i owe the people living on the fifth floor an unspoken apology...
for the past few days... well somehow these days are fraud with weird happenings, including me maid's sudden disappearance and my obsession with harry potter series... back to the tale. i have been cursing the people on the fifth floor for drillings and hammerings during the weirdest of hours, like 9 pm, 1.30 am, 2 am, 2.30 am, 4 am, so on and so forth.
that night i was about to put on a jacket and go tell the idiot off in the middle of the night behind my parents' back... well, i didn't anyway.
and just now my mum came home and told me we were wrong. it wasn't the fifth floor, it was the third floor... that weirdie...
at first i thought i was absurd. since the drillings and hammerings happened on my side of the room and that the cupboards hanging on the walls were the one vibrating. then she told me how she and my father embarked on this little adventure in the middle of the night, or rather morning to see who the hell was it.
apparently it was the third floor, and the woman in that house had the nerve to come out at 4 am to take in the laundry, that's where she saw my mum and the two were thrown into a staring competition. and the outcome of the competition was the cessation of noise.
then she asked me if i know them, to that i said no. but she reminded me of an incident... the other time where the HDB water pumps are pumping water at irregular times and sent the owner of that flat scurrying to complain about it. the male owner came up to our house and i was the one who answered the door.
so here's the question. if the water pumpings at 11 pm is disturbing to you which no one else in the block finds annoying, do you really think that DRILLING AND HAMMERING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT IS NOT ANNOYING TO ALL?!?!?!?!?!
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
been out of date lately, i actually forgotten i had this blog...
well, as i can recall from the previous entry, there was an incident that happened shortly after i typed that entry...
i was awoken by my mum's repeated shoutings outside my door some hours later after i typed that entry. then my door flew open with me lying on the bed with an irritated look.
well, what happened next was rather unexpected and fast i could barely recall.
she told me to go to my dad's stall and help out when i was to meet my friends later. ah, my maid packed up and was leaving, after 3 days of work...
of course any sane human's reaction was to throw the covers and leap out of bed. i went to see for myself, without glasses and saw the new maid zipping the suitcase.
confuse as i am, but sane enough not to prod my mum for an explanation, i sat down with the new maid and asked her why.
then after some half and hour, i only managed to get 5 sentences out of her, of which two are about her not being fast enough to finish all the chores, one was about her leg, another about some heavy stuff, and the last being going to agent.
so end up i showered (without washing my hair, kraznuts...) and left the house with my mum on the edge of fuming .
so i went there, chopped up some veggies and my mum came. i told her about meeting my friends, so i left selling only one packet of rice that day.. hahahah
then i came home to an empty house, rather furious about the fact that my kitchen floor is covered with dried washing powder, made a mess out of the clothes i was going to wear out and left hastily.
on the way to meet Qianz and Charrissa i saw Jessie, this is the second time she called me when she saw me... strange isn't it? well, i got off at hougang to meet Qianz then we waved her goodbye.
went chinatown, bought like 40 plus bucks worth of materials.... and searched high and low for the stupid 'prisoner of azkaban' vcd... bloody hell...
well came home and chopped up 3 cabbages... imagine me weilding a knife when i'm so afraid of them...
well it went well, with pirates of the caribbean dead man's chest playing on the tv while i was chopping up veggies and ironing my clothes.
stayed up till 4 am to read harry potter order of phoenix. to be quite honest, i don't think the movie is going to be nice... with harry potter throwing his temper around like playing tennis...
the next day, Qianz offered to help me cut veggies... and ended up her slicing her finger.... sorry pal... really sorry bout it.
then suddenly admist of the slaughtering of potatoes... my mum returned with the maid...
you can see where this is going...
ended up cooking dinner with her, sneaking out to return a book and look for the vcd, found it, though i was rather unhappy with the fact that it is not the version i wanted... came home and read the book, stayed up until 4 am again. hehehe.
you know, doing house work was rather fun actually. consider i had the entire house to myself, with no neighbours and turning on the tv with movies at a volume my parents would slaughter me with the knife i was using when they find out...
talk about neighbours... that day this idiot above us was knocking things with a hammer apparently at 1 AM in the morning... 1 bloody AM in the morning. can you believe that? and now, they are drilling and drilling, hammering and hammering. it's kinda late to be re-renovating your house isn't it??? one of these days i'm going to make you pay, mark my words...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Sunday, April 22, 2007
i feel like throwing things now. smashing a few if not a whole bunch of vases, windows and everything that is breakable. tearing things, snapping things. why?i'm really ticked-off. by a couple of things. happening in life. but what's the point of shouting it here? nobody can hear, nobody cares. at least someone would have heard all the commotion if i were to devalue a vase. .~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Saturday, April 21, 2007
just finished the last chapter of the kindaichi case files. 13 weeks. or rather 14.
felt kinda sad for the guy. really. i mean, well those victims in this case really deserved it. but i guess the real victim is the murderer himself. he lost someone he loved, lost everything by committing a crime against his career.
but then again, when am i not sad for the murderer? well perhaps for those few times where it involves the mastermind who calls himself 'the puppeteer from hell'. that one is literately a maniac, who thinks murder is a form of art. literately a direct insult to all the great artists of the world.
but then again, the law isn't always the answer to all, and there would be a time where law wouldn't coincide with what we think is justice. but what is justice in the first place, and who is has the rightful position to determine what is right or what is wrong?
it is a wonder how human nature can change the course of thinking in a person. and how environment and incidents play a major role in affecting people's actions. when i first ventured out in the series i don't understand how these people feel when they have the impulse to go murder a group of people, and to the extent of planning out a scenario so as to administer their plans and get what they want. but gradually into the series and through years of growth i felt that i can understand why they did it, no doubt what they have done is wrong, but the moment of impulse and urge in their minds can really be rather persuasive.
however, it's usually something at the end of each case that would bring the murderer to realise whatever he did was a waste or that he shouldn't have done it. a little piece of detail that was ignored or left out unintentionally that led them down the wrong path. if only they have gotten that piece of info a moment earlier before the mistake was made.
i'm rather critical about my abilities now. seems like i couldn't do anything right at the current moment. things just don't turn out the way i want it, literately. maybe i just don't have what it takes to do it? every idea i come up with seems to meet with some complications along the way, or it turns out rather horrible. discouraged? no, dishearted more like it.
it's not like i'm not confident about myself, it just that it isn't good, so no point kidding myself at that. perhaps my mother was right, perhaps everyone else was right, and i'm the only one who is wrong.
happy now fate, and luck? now that i'm down in the dumps just like how you want it?
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Friday, April 20, 2007
this is by far the worse luck i had these days.first, this morning, ok that's crap. this noon when i woke up, i brushed my teeth and the stupid brush broke. can you believe that? a toothbrush breaking?? is it even technically possible???? ok luckily there was a replacement in the bathroom so nevermind.then next, i went out biking reluctantly, and guess what? the stupid bike broke down. why? the chain got loose, and hell it happened in the middle of the road. so geographically where am i? ok, i'm on the outskirts of Seng Kang. i am, miles away from home, with a bicycle that can't work. great, so what time is it now? 6.30. i have half an hour to get home. great. so i pushed the darn bike around the place looking like a fool. so what time i reach home? 7.30. it took me bloody 1 hour to walk from there to home. can you believe it???great. i'm starting to believe that i'm really cursed. maybe for the next few days i'll barricade myself at home. hopefully i'm safe.
this is no doubt by far the worst week i've had. first my mum freaks me out by the applications, my ideas for accessories doesn't turn out well to my expectations, my toothbrush broke, my bicycle died on me, there's a hole in my fav t-shirt, something happened to my skin, blah blah blah.nice, really nice. any more to throw at me? .~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Thursday, April 19, 2007
well i find that i'm more better at making bracelets out of plastic, uh, lines than chains. no idea why, but that's the truth. yesterday i nearly hit it off with my mum. somehow she likes to talk to me about irritating issues when i'm feeling most down. like guys and stuff. so what if you saw a good one out there? you think he's good, i don't think so. and well take a good look at your daughter, she ain't exactly the prettiest girl in the crowd, ain't the smartest in the class, ain't the nicest sweet little girl next door. in fact she has the foulest temper known to mankind, loudest voice that can wake the dead, and a heart colder than the artic glaciers. any sane guy would stay away from this girl. need i say more, mum? i think it's most illogical to have something like that coming from you in the first place in regard to your love life's history. i have expectations in life that are not met, things i want to do, stuff i want to see. i'm a realist and a complete fan of 'not wasting time and money'. so if you want me to go around dating people whom i've not met and waste time and money, i suggest you take a knife and just kill me now. afterall, your daughter isn't someone who can be made fun of and let the person get away with it easily. besides i enjoy the freedom i have now. not having to answer to anyone, not bounded by anyone. it's true that sometimes i envied those who are attached, but when i look at the carefree life of me and Raiin, i feel much more contented the way i am now. afterall, the price of freedom is just too valuble to me. unless i asked for trouble myself, otherwise, i suggest you stay out of it. so if you really care about me, don't provide your daughter chances to have her heart broken. i want a pikachu.i want a fluffy plushie.i want a pirate's cutlass. i want a pirate's outfit.i want soundtracks.i want shows.i want movies.i want i sound like a whiner baby? if i do then i succeeded. .~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
the end is really near.
my applications to universities, it's either i get them soon, or i'm dead, perished, erased from the world.
somehow i have this ominious feeling that i'm dying soon. and that a letter of rejection is about to come...
ok, take away the fact that i've been downluck for almost... i dunno, many many years. it's my fault that i didn't do well in the A's. while my friends are receiving letters of successful applications, i'm here dreading the moment when judgement day comes and trumpet sounds.
i think quite literately, i'm doomed.
given a choice, either doomed of not being able to get in university or '100 years before the mast', i'll take the 100 years. at least, i have something to do, i'm with a job, and the basic necessities are taken care of.
or maybe some enchantress or wizard would be so kind as to transform me into something else, or get me into another universe where there's no such thing as university...
boils down to one thing, just kill me now.
oh yea i made another pair of bracelets today. this time without chains. i called them 'caribbean dreams' and 'angel reef'. sea theme again? well goes to show what movie i'm watching now... as usual, no surprise. though i have one 'lavender garden' and one unamed one... .~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Monday, April 16, 2007
have been dead recently. so i'm here, back. been kinda spaced lately. new maid and all.
made three bracelets today, well, two and a half to be exact. the first one didn't turn out well, because of some of the materials i used, a particular blue acyclic sorta bead.
last night when i was doing the first piece, mummy said it looked dreadful. but then again, when she showed me what she said was 'nice', i realised that we are of wrong frequencies. to be honest, it was rather discouraging at first, since that was my first piece of accessory that i made. people say a good start is half of success (translated from Mandarin directly), so i can guess where my work is heading for. i did make changes to the bracelet, and asked Qianz about the improved one, changed it again, but in the end i still don't like how it turned out. in my opinion the name 'tears of the sea' doesn't suit the bracelet, the bracelet just didn't live up to the name.
why 'tears of the sea' you might ask, well, for once, the acyclic thing was in an oval shape, and i happen to be watching pirates of the Caribbean (doesn't come as a surprise i suppose), and suddenly i thought the word 'tears' would make a good name, since it suit the shape. then 'tears' sounded like 'tales', and 'tales of the sea' happens to be my SYF band piece back in 2003. so there you have the name. though i owe the idea to Davy Jones in Pirates, since that was the origin of the name and i was watching Tia Dalma telling his tale. he had his heart broken, weeping silent tears for the woman he loved, so i guess the bracelet's name wasn't wrongly chosen, though the look of the bracelet was the contrary.
well, making and imagining is always two different things. i was naive to think that whichever design i thought up of would turn out naturally as i've thought of it. the truth is that there are issues, such as connections and colour size compatibility. this is something which i used to pride myself in, being someone who can work out all the odds and stuff before doing it actually, since being a perfectionist and that. but apparently it was because of the perfectionist mindset that caused it all. imagining it to be too perfect, which is already a devastating move.
take the magnetic bracelet i did the other time. ok, perhaps it was my lack of judgement that lead to the failure of the first piece, but that is exactly what i'm talking about. in my mind i formed this nice piece of bracelet, but turns out it's different when i'm actually doing it. there are things that weren't in my calculations. and to think i'm always telling my parents those tiny little details they didn't take into consideration when deciding matters, as always and many times, i ought to be ashamed of myself.
last friday was Friday the 13th. people say bad things happen on that day. as it turns out, the queen of bad luck has indeed met with bad luck, which saw fit to add misery to an already shabbled life. turns out my application to NSW uni was unsuccessful. how nice, you open your email to find a rejecting letter. and apparently the other uni application results are rather bleak in colour.
somehow i wonder if heaven thinks sending me a few reviews at was a form of good news amongst bad and that it'll sorta replace the sorrow i feel these days with the extreme down luck and unsuccessful applications and products. well if that's the case i'm sorry to have to break it to you heaven, but i'm not buying that. this is not the first time i receive reviews at when days are gloomy. nope, they aren't cheering me up the least bit. when i want sunshine i've got rain. thanks a lot, really thanks a lot.
and to fate, i hate you, for turning my life for the worse. and to luck, i havent' seen you for many years since the days i broke two mirrors, and honestly, i'm not liking you either, neither am i liking your counterpart. then to happiness, abandon me for all you want, i don't care much for you anymore, since i've been living in sorrow for most of my life, there really isn't anything you've done around here. lastly to love, of the things you've done, i can only say that i neither hate nor like you.
well, i'm rather excited to go see pirates of the caribbean at world's end. not just jack sparrow, but barbossa and captain sao feng, davy jones and cutler beckett. i don't know why but i'm on the pirates' side this time. and i just loved how the pirates would team up to fight the navy. this time is teaming up to fight good. and i usually don't say such things, but i hope evil this time would triumph, although, the pirates there aint' exactly bad people. so i guess it's a matter of survival of the fittest.
nothing's working out around here, stories, jewlleries, my skin, the new maid, my parents blah blah blah. they say in the year of the pig, those who's zodiac sign is the dragon would have better life prospectives compared to the previous. so is it just me? that i'm cursed with bad luck and all things bad? or the zodiac thing is crap? somehow i know the answer is the former.
i'm cursed.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Friday, April 13, 2007
genjutsu kai!
that was what i wrote ages ago.
but there ain't any genjutsu anymore. just realised something when i set out to write ninjas and dragons, there's no one to portray the black dragon wyvern in the new story...
like as if i had someone to portray after Drake the other time. well now that i'm on the second story of this business, i pretty much think the first one i wrote was crap, is crap.
well, then again, ever since my 'return to' and started producing stories, each story has gone from bad to worse once i started one.
but never mind, there are stories that i'm proud of until now.
i'm a first mate of the 'three li'l bearz' as of uh, yesterday i think. and the captain of the 'three li'l bearz' happens to be my pal Qianz.
aye, that's going to be another project to do. well, since i've got nothing to do anyway...
aye avast!
hopefully i can get some presentable products out... i doubt i can...
wind in the sails!
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
singing in the rain.that was what happen just now. the sky was clear when i set out, but they decided to play a trick on me and showered... so i'm literately caught in the rain, cycling in the mist, with two guys chasing after me on bike.really, that's true. i was just crossing the road when there were two guys crossing my path. one's an indian i think and the other's a chinese who was busy yakking on the phone with one hand.the two were cycling at snail pace, because of the chinese guy yakking away, and the indian guy sort of notice i was trailling behind impatiently. so he sort of kept up with his pal, but sort of crash into him, so he stopped and checked his bike, so i took the chance and overtake the two. then i cycled over the bridge and then i turned back a little and i saw the indian guy pretty close to me. well i didn't hear him because of the music playing in my ears. then i took the chance when the green man came on and cycled across the road. yup, just when i thought my troubles were gone, i heard a faint bell ringing. then i turn to look across the road, i saw the indian looking at me. great, just won't get off my back huh? thankfully there's another road to my left so i swerved so bye bye.and just when things are over, the sky rained. heavily. so i was stucked in a busstop, waiting for it to stop, then i headed out. then at punggol station, i saw two bike tracks, so i assume the two guys headed this way. then haha, then it rained harder... and harder... and i'm wearing white...great day huh? just if. .~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I am tooooooooo emotional!!!!!!! Daaaammmmmnnnnn iiiittttt!!!!!!!!
just read slight pages and the ending of the next book on the list of the aisling guardian one 'light my fire'.
i can be soooooo stupid at times, but then again like i said i'm tooooooooo emotional.
and the question i had as to why the heeeellllllllllll i can't be like Raiin, my virtual and complete made-up self, i've got the answer to that. that's because i'm tooooooooooo emotional.
that's the bad thing about me. reeeeeeeeeeeeal bad thing about me.
like i said, i think two or one year ago when i read the first book of the series, that i'm not going to read the next. ended up i'm reading two books after the first.
now i'm going to tell myself i'm noooooooooootttt going to read the next, titled 'holy smokes'.
but i'm sure by the time the book becomes available, i'm bound to foooooorrrget what i said.
life's like that, full of contradictions, that is if you happen to be someone like me.
in case you're wondering why i'm typing in prolonged words, that's because i'm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiritated.
you know what? i have a great idea. i'll revert back to my mangas, bleach and naruto. because i don't seem to have issues like this whenever i read such books when i read mangas.
and also start typing furiously on the com on the new story i'm writing in conjunction to the book. gooooooooooood, that ought to settle things down.
by the way i bought a black jacket today (victory sign)
you're going to say 'you've got a lot of jackets already'. and my answer to that is:
the only clothes that i can wear and not look like a pig is jackets. Yay!
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Sunday, April 8, 2007
trying my best, ok that's a lie. trying desperately to finish the book 'fire me up'.
(Qianz, i'm sure when you read this you'll be laughing your head off at the fact that i'm trying 'desperately' to finish the book, whahahahaha)uh, so that i can sell it back tomorrow and hopefully get some money back.
the last time i read book 1 of the aisling book is i think in J1. and that time i told myself i'm not going to read the next, or at least something along those lines. all i remembered was a feeling that is just so uncomfortable. something regarding the storyline and the main character that irked me... or something.
but then, that thought flew out of the window when Qianz bought the book for over a year. now the feeling came back again. yup.
the reason is that i find that this main character, her name's aisling, is someone of capabilities. but the fact that she swoons and throw herself at the dragon willingly at the price of her pride just makes me... uh... uncomfortable.
ya ya ya, she can't resist the dragon, yup yup yup, but before you guys or my mum is going to say 'i'm sure you'll be worse when your time comes', i'll say that she walked out on him twice. TWICE. so if she can walk out twice, i can't see what's the problem with resisting and also retaining at least a shred of pride.
i mean if someone betrayed you or something, wouldn't you hike up your alert the next time this someone appears again? or at least be a constant or not nagging voice in your head to becareful? ok i suppose her reason is the dragon is simply irresistable and all that mushy stuff that i'm going to throw up soon, so fair enough.
and once again, the book throws me back into writing-story-mode again, as i have with the previous one. this time a more coherent and reasonable and PRACTICAL one i hope... looks like i'll have to create another blog for that. hehehe. too bad there ain't any fanfiction fandom for it. perhaps thats the saving grace, if not i'll be having a blast at that one.
i didn't know having sex too many times in a day can lead to death. whahahaha.well managed to finish the book. ain't what i had expected. cos i expected something more bombastic, something like tearing of hair or something else, you know, some fighting scenes. nevermind. selling the book tomorrow. hopefully get some money back and contribute to the cardigan i'm going to buy.
and hopefully a piece of ost. .~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
as i was watching
'Night at the Museum' for the gazillion time (as i have always with my new shows once they start mass producing the VCDs) one phrase registered itself in my mind.
'some people are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them.' said the 26 president of the united states who's name i remembered to be 'teddy' something... nevermind about the name, but the phrase sort of awoke something within me.
i'm not born great. that's downright true. i ain't some daughter of a wealthy businessman or what, i ain't the daughter of a great entrepreneur.
i'm just ordinary.
then do i have greatness thrust upon me? i ask myself.
Raiin. yup, she has greatness thrust upon her, and at a very young age at that. well in another's eyes she may be a down right 'mary sue', but to me, she's someone i wished i was and want to be. she ain't really born great, since she's a female in a more male-orientated family. she ain't that good, because without whatever's thrust upon her she can't really compare to others. but it was what that's thrust upon her propelled her to become someone great, someone who faces her own fears fearlessly, someone who can look danger in the eye and laugh (adapted from Garfield), someone who's vision is further than any others... she ain't perfect, because just like others she has flaws and weakness, like how she can just lose all her abilities when people bring her back to her darkest memories or how she has her heart confined in ice and cannot feel love. but it's her courage and determination, perserverence and responsibility that made her stand together with the other Greats. well, that's her in the ninja world.
i can write her to be like that, but i can't seem to be like her, that's something i ought to be ashamed of.the little
charmander i became when playing Mystery Dungeon. i know i am childish. but i can't help but notice it is just like the case with
Raiin. he was nobody. some nameless human who was transformed into a
charmander. and the mission of saving the world was thrust upon him without him knowing it. and at that, he lived as a normal and at times, powerless to some situations, as a
fugitive (i'll never forget that one) with loads of rescue team hot on his heels, became a
scapegoat (neither am i going to forget this) for something he has not done... but in the end he had to continue. and it was what that was thrust upon him made him, and his pal stronger and at last able to overcome the obstacles in their way and finally complete the mission. sure it was a tough journey with loads of failure and damage, but they still made it.
ok fine, they didn't really make it on their own because being a game if the first strike then 'game over' nobody would buy and play the game and Nintendo probably had to go bankrupt.and the fact that i couldn't even bring myself to do the things that i should be doing, like what charmander did, makes me feel even more ashamed. if everyone has a place in the universe, where's mine?if everyone has a part to play, what's mine?if everyone has a moment, when's mine?it's often amazing but unsurprising why the people around me are always
starters of new things and i'm always just a
follower... sure, i have my own thoughts and voice, but the words and ways just ain't getting accepted.
take my family for example. when moving house, i told them to clear the things that we don't want, and just take what we need and want over to the new place. no point carrying all that stuff over to the new place then sort out, it's just a complete waste of energy and time. and what happens in the end? i got reprimanded for not doing my part to help packing.
sure, blame it on the little guy, how original. (adapted from Monsters. Inc). i'm not the one barking out orders to my maid to tell her to pack everything. the truth is i'm not the boss around here, and my words to my maid is nothing more than the radio playing sound when she's working. in one moment, gone in the other. so what do we have, loads of rubbish that's accumulated over the years that's brought over to the new place. and guess what, we brought some friends over, the small black oval-shaped pests that can't seem to just give up and die when we flush them down the toilet or spray poison on them.
so end up, while i was banging away merrily on Mr. Keys i have people banging their way about cockroaches and their droppings, excess containers and plastic bags, this and that. and while they are at it, i'm being called on intervals during my
'creating of musical fusion' (adapted from School of Rock) to take a little trip to the rubbish chute outside of my house. and guess what? i threw away 7 bags of i-don't-know-what-and-don't-wish-to-know.
you know if at first you guys just listen to me instead of telling the maid to pack everything, yelling at me, and take your time to move the things over to the new place (just heck care about the neighbours), all of these won't be happening. you'll get a lot of space to put your stuff, pest-free environment and no extra work of buying pest poison (i believe that's what it's called).
well there are a lot of situations like this one, not just at home but outside, at school, basically just everywhere. somehow i wonder if i have the knack for making background music or sound effects because my words don't seem to 'work' or 'take effect' or 'register'...
it's not that i don't take my place, just that it ain't significant in others''s not that i don't play my part, just that whatever's played is not appreciated. it's not that i don't have a moment, just that it's been taken by someone else.i must say i worked. i have worked. i put things before myself unconsciously. but the fact that
details to a masterpiece,
screws and nuts in a machine,
sugar and vinegar in a dish are not recognized, and are often the ones getting blamed when problem arises.
masterpiece not accepted either too detailed or not enough details.
machine falter because a screw or nut was loosen.
dish not tasty and leads to health problems.
whenever that happens, i always told myself. 'fine, then let the masterpiece be imcomplete, the machine not working properly, the dish tasted horrible then,'
but always and always, i couldn't bring myself to once, not even once, sit down and watch the show.contradicting? yes. dilemma? yes. complete idiot? yes.made a fool of myself? yes. hurt? yes. very badly? yes. anyone knows? no. anyone cares? no. anyone helps? no.see, sometimes i ask myself why sacrifice myself for others. ok you may think whatever i've sacrificed is nothing, but to me, it means a lot.
first, i'm not the savior of the day. two, i'm not as powerful as others. and
three, i'm not as talented as others. but everytime, just before the moment i say 'no', guilt and conscience would team up and look me up. and at the end, i'm the one suffering. and the best part is i get nothing out of it, except damage to pride and some material and intangible stuff being gone forever. fine. one of these days i'm just going to end up pride-less and, uh, lose everything in that sense...
then whenever i find myself in need, i find myself in the middle of the ocean on a small pathetic piece of
god-forsaken-spit-of-land (adapted from Priates 1) so what's the plan? i'm supposed to make a raft out of nothing and row out to sea? or am i supposed to make a fire to signal to get help? well if you're telling me to do the latter, i can assure you no one would come,
because the entire clan of pirates are teamed up and all of port royal and Davy Jones are spending their time fighting against the pirates. so there ain't any ship that's going to see the smoke and come rescue.ok, that was a lame joke so nevermind.
i should just go back to bed. wake up tomorrow and watch night at the museum or flushed away or pirates. then read fire me up. then maybe go type Mission Bound second chapter.
i prefer being in the virtual world. it's the real world that scares me.kinda long entry... how did i even type this... mystery of mysteries...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Saturday, April 7, 2007
this is
bad, very
bad, extremely
here i thought i had the murder case figured out mostly, who knows the answer to all the mysteries was completely different from mine. well, not exactly all, i managed to solve part of the 'sealed chamber' mystery so i guess that's a plus sign to that.
but hey, i got the murderer wrong, completely wrong, cos i never would have expected it to be him! and i completely fell into the trap, despite the tips given. gosh if i were to be a detective i think i'm going to get fired after my first case...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Friday, April 6, 2007
'four brothers,
raphael...' WOOO!!! haha! well the moment the narrator finished crapping and the 'bombastic music' came on, i had an idea who the composer was. and turned out i was right. klaus badelt. the one who did Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl. wo hey! 'you spun my head round'! now i've got a few soundtracks to buy in the next two months...
well i like the
Foot Clan, the female leader ninja just rock! then the name 'Ziyi Zhang' just had to pop out to kill it all... i mean, i should have known. that sort of, uh, broken, nah not broken... like the kind of stagger stagger accent she had when she speaks english should have been a tell-tale sign. well, nevertheless, that
Foot Clan (why the hell are they called 'foot' clan?! can't it be something 'hand' clan or 'head' clan?? sounds more impressive or something, foot gives the impression that it's like low low positiong...) just is the exact inspiration i need. hehehe.... (evil grin) Leonardo looked like he was fasting for the past year because when he came in he didn't look like a turtle at all...
haha at the last part! Raph surrendered his 'Nightwatcher' mask to Splinter's (almost forgot about our great ninja master!!!) trophy collection, Mikey just had to bring in his big turtle mask in which he used for the children's party as a disguise to it with a 'uh can i get rid of this too?'... WHAHAHAHAH!!!! loved the smile Mikey!
well the thing about cinema people is that they know nothing, i mean
NOTHING about the entertainment movies bring. you tell me you allocate 'the grand cathay', that is the biggest screen in the whole building for Mr. bean??? oh please... that show didn't even fetch half of your smallest theater for god's sake... you could have save the effects of that theater for some other block bustic show like
300. or what?
Blood and chocolates? the werewolf one..
then you, GV, allocate the teeney wincy theater for an action packed movie like
TMNT???! ok, well you may have your reason for saving the gold class and the Max theater for 300 or whatever you have. fair enough.
the thing about movies is that i dunno why, everytime i watch one, whether at home or in the theater, as long as i don't get intervals like
'oui, dinner!' kind of thing. well it makes me feel like i'm in another dimension or something. ok, i know that's crap but the feeling is that i'm totally out of this zone, as in, wake up eat sleep play com zone. i get that kind of great feeling that i'm able to just put my life on hold, as in, press
'pause'. then after the movie then i press
'play'. haha. i know that's like the craziest thing on earth but hey,
everyone has something they can enjoy and do to get out of the horrible pinch they are in before returning with a clear mind to settle things right?next up on screen is probably
Shrek the Third, well, i'm catching it on screen this time, since i missed the previous 2. sounds funny, when, was that snow white? ya i think it's her. when she sang and sang, then she suddenly switched to
'the immigrant's song' and set the birds and everything on the trees. hahaha!!! great one. then i like the pinochio (was that how you spell his name?) answered prince charming when he asked 'where is shrek' haha, couldn't remember the details of his answer but i believe it's as long as this paragraph hahah!! oh yea not forgetting how shrek sank that ship. hahah!! with the beer bottle!!! WHAHAHA!!!! donkey went 'i think that went pretty well'. wo hu!! nice one donkeyyyy!
then i think it's
Pirates of the Carribean At World's End. haha, first impression is
Chow Yun Fat as
Captain Sao Feng saying
'welcome to singapore'. WHAHAH!!!! three movies in a row, and
Ted and
Terry just love to add the country in. Whahaha! thanks
Ted and
Terry, and not forgetting
Gore and
Jerry, you guys rock! 200 days for two movies back to back. (salute) and
Captain Jack Sparrow! haha,
'did anyone of you came to look for me just because you missed me?' and the monkey raised his hands while nobody did. WHAHAH!!! then
'why should i sail with any of you, 4 (or was it another number?) of you had tried to kill me, one of you have succeeded?' Whahahaha!!! i just love the edge of the earth. looks exactly like the one in
'Sinbad legend of the seven seas', just that one is cartoon the other one is 3D. haha!!! well, won't miss that one! oh by the way,
you're going down! Beckett! Avast! Me hearties!!! and welcome back
Captain Barbossa!! i like your role as Nigel in
Finding Nemo. hehehe. uh can you stop that apple thing cos it's rather disgusting, uh, captain barbossa... hehehe
then lastly,
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. that one, has most critics from me ever since i saw the trailer man... oh please... first, harry's hair. did someone chopped off your hair while you were having the Armani style on? next is the setting. wasn't you supposed to be in like er, let's see, was it england? ah nevermind. You're flying a
FULL-FLEDGE CITY?! well i'm sure people would be like
'is that a bird?' when they see you i'm afraid. oh and well, haha the kissing part of harry and cho (it's her he's kissing right? wait, let me check [flip] [flip], ah yes. her.) that's going to earn me a 'ewww' when you two do that on screen so
kakugo shiarae! hehehe. oh, i remember sirius is going to do a david copperfield in this movie... oh shucks. i think i'm going to cry in this one... he's one of my fav character, that is until i saw who casted him in the bloody show... well nevermind, nevertheless he was a good man... so long my furry, er, big friend! though i have a gut feeling that when Harry brawls about his death it's going to kill the overall mood....
i get a feeling i'm going broke for the rest of the next 3 months....
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Thursday, April 5, 2007
just a quick one before i go pray.
lately someone's giving me some creep. it's someone who i've never met, but is of a rather good acquaintance with me parents. someone who goes to buy food from my dad. and lately he's been calling my mum 'god-mother'.
one thing is one. yes i have been wanting a older brother, but the fact that this person ain't someone whom i know at all or even met. then the thing is that from what i heard from my parents is that he's weird.
well, that's for that, i don't wish to bring down that person's name so i shan't say anything bad about him here.
then when my mum told me about it, i told her, "there's only one person who can be my god-brother now"
then she asked who, in a rather interested way.
then i told her "the guy's name is Kuchiki Byakuya, you go ask Pa, he'll know who it is."
then she fainted.
hehehe. i'm bad i know. hehehe!!!
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Monday, April 2, 2007

see this tree? does it look familiar? somewhere you've seen it? if you're singaporean then take out your wallet, look for the $5 note, and flip to the back, there, there's the tree you're looking at. don't believe? check out the bend on the branch on the right bottom of the tree. hehehe.

see that squirrel on the tree trunk? cutie isn't it?

if you think that's a tree, well you're in for a big surprise if i tell you that's a bonsai plant.
by the way those jellyfishes are gone... i'm so sad...
somebody please give me a plushie...
ok i think that's enough, 3 entries on a single day. i must have gone nuts.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Sunday, April 1, 2007
the other day managed to get the torrent done in a few minutes, watched the team
Go-getters 'out of the gate', found it pretty interesting and cute, brings back many memories, good ones and sad ones of course.
went back to the series this morning due to being up early with a flu and found that the show just never fails to disappoint me, always leaving me in tears, and laughing at the end of the 20 minutes plus episode.
sometimes i wonder, if possible, i want a time machine. well, i don't mind if it's the 'moonlight box' translate directly into chinese it's
'yue guang bao he', or the gigantic machine that brings me to the past or future. doesn't matter which one or how it looks like.
then i can go back to the times which i enjoy the most and experience it. well i won't change anything happening back in the past, for everything that i've done back there brings together what i am today.
well, if there's one thing i want to change, i'll change my diet in the past. that way i won't be so fat as i am now and get to wear those pretty clothes my friends are wearing now. and to save myself from all the name-callings and the nagging from my relatives and parents.well first stop i'll go as far as i can remember is back to primary 4. that time it's really carefree days. i remember chinese lessons i'd be talking to my friends about everything under the sun and the teacher won't care. hahaha!
then i'll fast-forward a little to the holiday in the same year that i went to Australia. well, my first time i went overseas on a plane, and considering that time my photos looked great because i was still not classified as 'overweight' hahaha! kinda like that time, especially the parts at Sunshine Coast, where it's vast clean coast without anybody there. and the thing about it is that the different sand there is there, and just nice i was wearing pink and red. hahaha! and the movie and dream worlds just rocks!
then next is after PSLE during primary 6.
wow that time is the best, because i've got game boy, a great computer, and all i have to do is to go to school and play, come home and play, so it's play play and more play. but i hate the BCG parts... nevermind, hate needles and things that are sharp.
well if i really want to go back, it'll be the times during very young. very very young. where i would go downstairs back at the old house during evening time and play with the other kids on the block. we would run here and there, cycle and have fun. well there are times i get into trouble, not my fault entirely but still. haha. that time, nobody cared who was better than another, no results to worry about, no issues on allowance blah blah blah.
that's why people say, years when you are young is the best because of the worry-free life you lead. the most you care about is the amount of time you put into studying, then don't fail at the CAs and SAs, and make sure you get to the next year. and it's only a few subjects to worry about, not like now...
imagine someone talking to me about carbo cations or fisical policy when i was like in primary 2,3,4 or 5... i probably would just clonk the idiot with the water gun in my hand or cycle off, shouting 'stupid idiot' after i'm out of range.
haha, now when i think of it, i am the 'stupid idiot', i always have been, up till now and still am one.
but then like
Edna in
Incredibles says
'I never look back darling, it distracts from the now', which is very true, people should always look to the future and take the past as a lesson and tresure the present. treasure the present i believe i'm doing it and is quite good at it, look to the future i think i'm like borderline pass, and take the past as a lesson is definately an 'F'.
but there's one thing i don't think i'd do if i get the time machine,
that is to go to the future. sure, i'm really curious about what i'd look like and the state i'd be in in like 6 or 7 years down the road. but then life would be no fun if you already know the ending.
but seriously,
i don't want to know. my guess for the 'me' 6 or 7 years down the road is a pathetic person. someone who has a job but isn't paying well, probably all my friends are either GMs or HODs, or even professionals while i'm still trying to get out of the mudpit. then some of my friends or relatives would have their significant others ready to be offically their spouses, while i have my heart stumped many times. er, no wait. judging from the state i'm in now, i think i'll be completely 'experience-less' in that aspect and probably be the laughing stock of my pals and relatives. then those who wishes to remain 'independent' and 'self-sufficient' would be millionaires by that time and i'm like a 'thousandaire' at that. haha.
then another possibility is that when i travel through the time machine i find myself in hell or hades. because i died during the next few years. wow cool. if that's the case i get to know where people go after life!
ya right... i'll probably never wake up or gone insane when i get back to the present hahaha!!!honestly, think about it, if you're in my shoes, would you go into the time machine to see what future you have? i don't think so.
given me if i press the wrong button or the time machine decides to play 'mix and match', i'll go back to the past after seeing the future, do several things that i always wanted to do or didn't have the courage to do, enjoy everything that there is then come back to the present, go home, write a will, go to the rooftop, then jump off. even if i'm in the present and i can change the future, i don't think i would, because the shock is there already and i'm on the lazy side so i guess the sooner you go hades, the sooner you reincarnate or rot in hell or whatever there is.
somebody give me a
big huggable soft squishy cute lovable plushie please...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
ever had that feeling that you can't forget a scene which you very much want to forget?
ever felt that you are going to do something very stupid but can't seem to turn back?
ever felt that helplessness that things ain't going your way?
ever felt that anger that everything seems to be your fault?
ever feel like disappearing off to somewhere to escape all that's raining on you?
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.: