Saturday, March 31, 2007
took down the curtain of cranes and dumped it in the trash.
because i keep having my mom hitting it and now it has come off one by one. whenever i see a string of cranes or stars fall i felt this enormous surge of anger that can only be subsided by trashing her plants.
but of course i didn't, so to prevent the cranes from further torture i decided to end their lives. cruel thing i know and also proves i'm on the losing end of the battle, but still... can't bear to see them getting hit and hit, fall and fall, and me having to stick them back on and on again and again.
so you happy now? now that whatever you had as an obstacle is gone?
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
stupid people use stupid ways to do stupid things because of stupid reasons and for stupid outcomes.
i guess i'm one of those stupid people.
did a stupid thing. and for that i forgo something that i thought i was going to succeed this time round.
so, lesson learnt, as like countless times before...
"Don't be blinded by stupid reasons and stupid outcomes to do stupid things with stupid ways."on with today and yesterday.
slept to 12.30, unintentionally...
played two puzzles today.
made a pair of earrings today. (not bad, consider the unartistic hands that i have.)
didn't go cycling cos of the rain. (so no jellies)
new story didn't turn out well, no ideas on how to complete my flower one...
killed a fly that was rather irritating
pretty pathetic life ain't it? haha
well to be honest, i'm still rather contented that the fact i managed to find out the main method (and the other things) that was used in the latest Kindaichi case, though the minor details weren't there... but i still can't figure out the 'dying message' left and who the hell is the murderer. and hell to that webbie for the problematic page... up till this moment i'm typing this entry i've refreshed about 1000 times and i still cant' get the entire chapter out... quite tired today. no idea why...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Thursday, March 29, 2007
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Qianz said i never update for a while. well true to that. since that day i was mentally shocked by the
jellyfishes i didn't update... haha!
well, the next day i went back to see if the jellyfishes are still there. they are, just that they moved down (or was it up?) river to another bridge. they are still cute! hehe.
but these days i've been busy, well, busy doing other things. no energy to go see if they are still there... bye jellies! if you have left. see you next year or so!
sometimes, i ask myself why sometimes even when i thought of the pros and cons of doing something, in the end i find myself in deep trouble... and sometimes i say things that i'm unable to do... bloody hell. now i'm in a little trouble.
that day went to watch 300. well actually i wanted to watch Mr. Bean. then end up breaking my own rule and watched the M18 show. the reason why i hated anything NC16 and above is that first of all i don't like the contents in it. even if it was comedy based, they are still filled with sexual refrences and violence that i usually find it rather out of place. well, if i want to see two person making out i might as well watch an RA show. no offense but that's rather true.
well to be honest i can still accept the sexual refrences, since on a general basis it's natural that people would engage in such activities (unless you want the human race to become extinct within the next 100 years).
it's the violence that i can't seem to accept. first of all, if you don't want someone to chop off your hands or take an eye out, then you shouldn't be the one doing it. i can't really see the point of taking a hacksaw and go around sawing people, unless you tell me these people have mutated brains.
instead of watching those i rather be watching that involve ghosts or the supernatural. because i know it's either they exist or don't (and the fact that usually watch from my eyes and the details escape from the back of my head), but those violence looks too real, and the fact that it can happen in daily life just irks me.
the next reason is because i hate to have my identity checked. sometimes i wonder if i looked like a 10 year old kid that you don't believe that i'm qualified to watch M18 movies...
then the last one is that sometimes, these movies don't contain a thread of humor (unless you count that 'we just had to say it, fight in the shade' thing from 300). that's why i just like those G and PG movies. those that have me laughing like a geek till my middle hurts and tears flowing. and sometimes those lame things they do, well, they are lame and stupid, but that's what made them funny to look at, and that's where the funny and cute stuff came from. i love the slugs from flushed away. hehehe!!!
but then again, there are still quality shows that have no choice but to be rated that high. 300 wasn't that bad. just that i find it rather boring at some parts, like the part where they have soldiers for day 1, then immortals for day 2, elephants for day 3, explosives for day 4 blah blah blah. i'm like laughing my head off when i saw the procession of species of war tools... gives the impression like they can't defeat the 300 + people and use everything they have.
and also i like that character Dilios, hehehe. the moment i saw him lined up among the warriors i knew the narrator was him. haha! i just like the accent of his. and also the role he played in Van Helsing as the lame Carl. hehehe!!!
today i went to help me dad at the stall. and just when i reached there, picked out the beansprouts, chopped the long beans and was halfway washing the vegies in the sink, mummie walked in. i stared at her, wondering why the hell she is so early here... but that's a relief, since she's there, then i can escape. but then to be spared from the stares from my parents and the bus fare i stayed and chopped up all the vegies that needed to be. and i nearly took a finger off twice...
my mum then pointed to a guy who has finished his NS and waiting to enter Uni for dentistry. at first i thought she wanted to show me the people entering uni this year. but when she said 'what do you think', i knew the conversation was heading in a whole different direction... at that time, i have a knife in my hands, so turned to mummie and gave her my 'PLEASE LAH' look and she picked up the cloth and went off.
then when we came home, my maid told me a friend called. my guess is Qianz called and turned out to be true. so made the call to her, hehe, 'pre-ordered' a pair of cobweb earrings and arranged for monday's outing. hehehe... another pair of unique earrings!!!! i should try make something for her. afterall, i do have the wires!!!
then my mom riverted back to the conversation about the guy who's going to do dentistry. and so i told her (as i have on countless times until i lost count) that 'you know very well these things will result in pain and sufferings so what's the point of looking for trouble'. then she started brawling how stupid i am blah blah blah, and so we started the 'discussion' again. with me throwing all that i've watched from 'journey to the west', all the buddhist teachings and sayings at my mom in a rather comical way (cos my maid was laughing) and her with all her half sentences and meaningless things. so you can guess who won in the end, hehehe.
today no biking because of the wet floor and rain... so no chance to see if the jellyfishes are still there. well nevermind, i won't forget the sight hehehe.
kinda long entry... Qianz!!! long enough?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
*can someone give me a big huggable cute fluffy plushie?*
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Sunday, March 25, 2007
you will not believe what i saw just now on my way home from biking...
go on, take a guess.
nah, you'll never guess it.
i'll tell you.
jellyfish yup, those that will sting you like hell when you touch it.
and it's not one jellyfish or two, not a hundred...
and the best thing is, they are
there's pink, red, blue, cyan, yellow....
can you believe that???
my dad refused to believe me...
my mum says i'm way too lucky to see such a sight because singapore has very little of such happenings.
me? i'm still trying to recover from the shock.
one moment i was cursing who the hell threw so much rubbish into the drain,
the next moment, it ain't rubbish, it's
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:

cutie isn't it? and the best part is, they can sing, they can dance, and they can make sound effects. Go Slugs!
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Saturday, March 24, 2007
something about the blog being funny is that i can write a lot of things... but there's no one to read it.
weird. but i guess it can't be helped. since i didn't tell many people about my blog, and that i'm not Miss. Popular.
just found out that my life is in some kind of shabbles now...
first thing first. i'm someone who loves movies, literately. (so next time if i ever get my own house, i'm going to get myself a cabinet full of DVDs and a home surround system, and allocate a nice section of my home to it. with a nice gigantic screen, perfect speakers, and a great sofa just for me.) so the life i'm leading now is extirely horrible. because i haven't gone to the movies in a while... i missed quite many movies uptill now. and to think that i'm not working or anything...
but luckily i bought
'flushed away' before i go loco. and that saved me for a little while. i love the
slugs anyway... (to think i would one day find
slugs cute...)
next thing is that the inspiration that struck left me hanging on a cliff after a while... now i have no idea how to end the bloody story... sometimes i wonder, why does it always happen to me...
on with it, i have no idea if i were to get into uni or not...
sometimes i wonder if the chances of being
hit by lightning, or
falling into a hole in the ground, is really 0.99%... if only it could increase for me... then i'm free of this world.
but then again, if i were to leave, i would probably enter hell, and that's loads worse... well, i deserved it anyway. since nobody cares, the next time i go biking, see if i really crash or fall off the grasses...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Friday, March 23, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
the days are just as boring as usual.
no shows
no movies
no new music
no new ideas for stories
and i nearly died that day biking... now i got several punctures on my leg, a big bruise, and my arm hurts...
hate life...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Friday, March 16, 2007
sometimes i wonder what did i did in the previous life that brought me to this state today.
in buddhism, they say
'what you left undone in the previous life, you finish it in this',
'what deeds you did in the previous life, you answer for them in this'...
so i guess i'm here to pay back whatever i did in the previous life. given a chance, i want to know who the bloody heck i was in my previous life (if there was one), i don't give a bloody heck about the future, because that would be no fun (although i'm rather curious).
but i can roughly guess what kind of person i was. a mean, selfish, unkind, unreasonable, barbaric, ugly, uncivilised person... hmm... maybe.
because i can't be a kind, caring, beautiful, patient, helpful, blah blah blah...
so i guess hmm... pretty obvious. i'm either a creditor, or someone who does mafia work...
then i think the best thing to do now is to repay my debts, and uh... cultivate a better next life...
but then... sigh...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
bugis with
Qianz, but didn't buy anything, just went there to collect a form she needs for her audition on
thursday and had pasta for lunch, then we went over to her house to help her with the music stuff.
sorry pal for the horrible Aural practices and all the best for thursday.came home and stared blankly at the screen for like 2 minutes before i realise what time it was and how hungry i was. why, because i was rather irritated at the fact that i woke up this morning to find
no reviews for the new chapter... and up till now it's only counting
had this sudden urge to go to a place where there are a lot of flowers to help formulate the story. botanical gardens, actually want to go tomorrow morning, then my mum said the place is too big and it's not a good idea to go there on my own...
fine, i shan't go...i have no idea why the sudden surge of interest in flowers, because history records that i
hated them. well partially due to the story...
i was reading through the story, sort of feeling sorry for myself because of the review count, i realised i envied the heroin in my stories... really,
i'm not kidding.
suddenly it
occured to me, why is it that i can write stories like that
(though they are nowhere near the standards of the great writers of the world and, and yet my life is the complete opposite of what happens in the stories?
but, compare myself and my heroins...
haha, what a joke. perhaps i just don't deserve what they got, so it's just me, myself and i...
sometimes i just want to get out of here, go somewhere where it's quiet, like a mountain range with two loyal dogs, an eagle and a horse. then live there for a period of time. no one would notice
i'm gone anyway...
in the past when i watch shows, i look at some of the evil characters, there are those who 'just want to take back what belongs to them in the first place'. i wonder if one day i would become someone like them...
if i am a villain, who's the hero who would defeat me? .~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Monday, March 12, 2007
bought a pair of fishes today. they are for my ears. don't worry, i don't buy fishes for eating or rearing... sorry
Qianz got her date of audition for NAFA, it's on thurs. well, all e best pal.
just blogging to see if the darn blog is working... lately it's turning retarded again.
going biking now.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
they say laptops are better, more useful, handy, blah blah blah, all the goody things about it compared to a desktop... real...they say microsoft spent 5 years to write 'Vista' and it's the new generation, or rather new OR that's gonna rule and is gonna kick XP... if... for now that is...they say Fujitsu has the lightest laptops among the other brands... hell with that...If you believe any of those comments about a laptop, i suggest you go jump off the last 3 steps of the staircase... to go down the stairs faster. (just kidding)
i spent 8 hours, trying to get things to work... and imagine the amount of words and research i could have done in that 8 hours, not to mention the miles i would have covered on my bike... without the
GREEN FISHBONES that is... haha.
Well, went with
Qianz to chinatown (again), and got another pair of fishbones... ya, fishbones again... but hey, they are interesting! so are the skulls, that remind me of Soul Eater, and that poor guy with the three lines on one side of his hair (the one who is obsessed with symmetry...)
Oh and i hope they change CD soon, cos the songs are really getting on my nerves... though i don't go there often...
Qianz made those really cool accessories with metal wires. and to think those wires looked so plain and dull, then with a twist and turn, plus talent and passion,
'ping' you get something that's so nice.
cool. and i can't even draw, let alone do these crafts... hehe. blame my hands for that. they are meant for typing endlessly on the com, and for hitting people... (to a certain extent)
oooo, i ate
swensens (correct spelling?) today. finally, after sooooo long... hehehe! bake ricey! hahaha.
saw this book that looks quite nice, bout this girl who knows
magic, by night she helps girls get dream guys or vice versa, but has trouble for her own love life. well, i kinda like this kind of story line, cos the main character is always the one left out, kinda like myself, so hehehe... well, the book won't run so maybe save up a bit to go buy it. oh yea, and gotta find alternative ways to read 'Fire me up', since
Qianz isn't going to let go of that book, well, it's her fav book anyway, can't blame her...
i seriously need a
big (not too big, just bigger than Ice Berg),
squishy (not too squishy like jellyfish),
fluffy stuff toy for me to hug. because i'm still in depression mode. because of the A'lvl results, the uni applications, my ipod's sudden death, and oh, that...
kinda long entry... time to stop.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Friday, March 9, 2007
my ears sorta healed, cos i managed to wear 4 pairs of earrings consecutively... something which wasn't possible a while ago. oh well, i guess i looked pretty weird with
GREEN FISHBONES on my ears when i was out cycling. the fact that i'm a great big fat fella who didn't tie up her hair and riding a yellow bicycle attracted many werid looks, and i'm sure those
GREEN FISHBONES added to my weridness... not that i can help it... i am weird.
and it just isn't enough listening to one side of my darn 'dead' iPod... just ain't nice...
just ain't enough. just ain't....
kinda weird... me blogging twice a day. well, trying to see if the problem with my blog is resolved or not...
my legs are tired... after riding for an hour against the winds on uphills under the searing heat and blinding sunshine... nice workout, not bad...
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
my iPod died on me the other day when i was attempting to go to ikea. and the fact that i hate to go out alone without music irks me to no end that i had to get on with it... and for that, curse the people who build the Buangkok MRT station and for putting the darn busstop soooooo far away that i missed 2 busses...
my mum and dad weren't exactly up to date with the demolishing of my room because the fact that they were rather slow with the decorations i put up. and thanks to that, i ran out of blue tack... now i got people laughing, smiling, staring, pointing guns at me, and a pair of 'gays' kissing on my wall... kinda like the kissing one... because it's the most funny one.
oh, and inspiration is such a miraculous thing because it doesn't come when you need it but comes to disturb you at the most inconvient time. and the fact that it has so much power to change your idea about something, like making you interested in the thing you hated the most in your life. in my case, flowers.
ok, i'll admit, i'm still very irked by the fact that my iPod died on me, and i have to endure times without music... and frankly speaking, it's very torturous for me since i'm that kind of person who is extremely sensitive to sound...
horrible blogger also, can't see my updates after i post... darn and dang.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.:
Friday, March 2, 2007
it seems like i've just fallen into a pit of darkness. and i'm still falling...
the grades i've gotten? haha, what a joke. i can't even hold a candle to the people in my clique, that is, on my own standards.
i suppose i deserve what i got, since i didn't work hard for it, because of some reason or another, it's still entirely my fault. and partially someone else's fault that i'm in this state now. someone whom i don't know well, someone whom i don't speak to much, but still able to inflict damage... darn you...
so where am i bound next? hell? i guess so.
.~*^Twilight Ring^*~.: